Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Mat Rempit

Nak tau apa yang special nya Malaysia, yang negara lain tiada?? . . .tu dia "Mat Rempit" special dari Malaysia ye. Di negara lain takdenya, tu sebab la mat-2 saleh memang kagum la dengan anak muda Malaysia ni. Aku pun tak taw sejak bila lah penubuhan rempit-2 ni, aku pernah tanya mak awan, beliau pun bingung bertambah lupa bila kelahiran rempit ni

Dahulunya mereka dikenali sebagai mat rempit tetapi masa telah mengupgrade mereka kepada samseng jalanan. Gejala mat-2 seperti ini bukan la perkara baru di Malaysia tetapi menjadi budaya dan telah menjadi turun temurun kepada generasi baru. Nampaknya, rempit ni cam sukan rakyat pulak ..hmm macam tu la . . 

Dek kerana mat rempit ni telah menjadi sukan
rakyat , ,so tiada la kesudahan aktiviti ni . .

konklusinya, semua pihak perlu berganding bahu
bersama-sama menghapuskan gejala yang
tidak bermanfaat ini dan jangan la
seperti enau dalam belukar melepaskan
pucuk masing-2 kerana ramaja kita adalah pemimpin
negara dek kerana pemuda harapan bangsa
kemudi harapan negara . .majulah sukan untuk negara. <<
 ayat pelajar SPM

Monday, 16 April 2012

syarat untuk mati

syarat mati .. 
bukanlah sakit yang kau rasai,
syarat mati juga bukan rasa usiamu, 
syarat mati jua bukan dari apa kekurangan mu
dan bukan juga apa yang menyakitimu
tapi syarat mati ialah hidup
dan kita memenuhinya ..
salam barakah~

Friday, 3 February 2012

When a guy fall in love . .

when a guy fall in love with u . . .

  1. A man in love becomes a softer version of his former self
  2. discovers his sensitive side
  3. spend more time with u .. even he quiet busy
  4. give u a present
  5. always ask your opinion
  6. watever u dress up .. u'll look fine to him
  7. sacrifice anything for u
  8. eager to be what you wanted

 For me that call love . .when you know he love u dont do this thing or u may hurt them:

  • u tell him about the third party
  • u tell him .. someone likes u and he always with you
  • you compare him with another guy who is better
 give a look at yourself~

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Aku . .

hi . .! ni aku masa kecil .. handsome tak ada la .. comel sikit je XD .. masa tu aku umor 3 tahun, dulu kan mak aku panggil aku "capang" ..hahaha!! nasib la tak melekat nama tu =_="

 time ni aku nerd lagi tak tau erti hidup ni macam mana XD .. sekarang aku dah tau cam mana hidup tu ..
Payah gak .. tapi cikgu aku cakap life start at 40 .. kalau sekang pun dah payah .. pergh-2 kemain lagi payah gandaan kuasa tiga la jawabnya . .

Moga-moga aku jadi innocent selalu~

*ajar aku erti hidup

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Do Not Cry Again

Don't cry over the time passed by,
don't cry over the moon that disappeared,

give a look at the sky full of stars
give a hope to live another day for tomorrow

don't you cry
there's Allah beside you
uphold your faith
and give me your smile

wipe your tears now,
no need to fears
she had gone here
but she still alive in your soul

if the world have one reason to make you cry
show them you have thousands reasons
to make your smiling again

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

As I know


As i know the longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.
O Allah please help me behave myself

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Air mata Taubat

Air mata taubat....

titisan paling berharga buat menyimbah api neraka...

Jangan ditanya bagaimanakah kedudukanmu disisi Allah...!!!!

TETAPI bertanyalah bagaimana dirimu meletakkan Allah dihati dan dalam kehidupan.

Aku Maha Faqir lagi sangat berhajat kepada Allah.

dalam kefakiran aku miskin dalam miskin aku lemah dalam lemah akulah hamba yang hina

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

My life . .?

As I go through all kinds of feelings and experiences in my life journey . . I feel delight, surprise, dispair and all various of feeling. . . I hold this question as a guiding light:
  • What do I really need right now to be happy?
  • What I come to over and over again is that only qualities as vast and deep as love, connection and kindness will really make me happy in any sort of enduring way.
  • We need lover?? teettttt.....!!*next question
  • Why i'm come to this world .?
  • What my preparation facing the responsible?
O Allah help me face the world full of challenges . .

The greatest pain in life . . .

The greatest pain in life is not to die, but to be ignored.
  • To lose the person you love so much to another who doesn't care at all.
  • To have someone you care so about so much throw a party...and not tell you about it.
  • When your favorite person on earth neglects to invite you to his graduation.
  • To have people think that you don't care.
The greatest pain in life, is not to die, but to be forgotten.
  • To be left in the dust after another's great achievement.
  • To never get a call from a friend, just saying "hi".
  • When you show someone your innermost thoughts and they laugh in your face.
  • For friends to always be too busy to console you when you need someone to lift your spirits.
  • When it seems like the only person who cares about you, is you.
Life is full of pain, but does it ever get better?
  • Will people ever care about each other, and make time for those who are in need?
  • Each of us has a part to play in this great show we call life.
  • Each of us has a duty to mankind to tell our friends we love them.
  • If you do not care about your friends you will not be pusinshed

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

life . .

life is great . .
life is enjoy . .
life is a piece of heaven
also a piece of hell

life can be hard
and not always fun

when night bring dark
and morning bring sun
when life get tough
and no one seems to care
but there's Allah always 4 u
seek for Allah
you'll find your way

when sunrise bring new life
and sunset bring new ending
never say u happy when u r sad
never say u are fine when u are not ok
never say u feel good when u are bad
and never say u are alone
bcoz Allah always 4 u